
Contributions are welcomed and greatly appreciated! These can be done through submitting GitHub issues, fixing bugs, implementing features, and documentation. Needlestack follows the GitFlow branching model.

1. GitHub Issue Tracking

All bugs and feature requests should be submitted through GitHub’s issue tracking.

1.1 Review Open Issues

Check if the bug or feature has already been submitted. The bug-fix or feature could already be in active development.

1.2 Create New Issue

If the bug or feature is not already reported, please open an issue at Follow the templates and provide the information requested.

2. Pick an Open Issue

Whether it’s an existing issue or one you opened yourself, pick an issue to implement.

2.1 Fix Bugs

Look through issues tagged with bug and help wanted.

2.2 Implement Features

Look through issues tagged with enhancement and help wanted.

3. Start Development

Follow these steps for local development on any machine of your choice with Docker and Docker-Compose

  1. Fork the needlestack repo on GitHub.

  2. Clone your fork locally:

    $ git clone
  3. Build the Docker images:

    $ docker-compose build
  4. Create a branch for local development:

    $ git flow feature start NAME_OF_FEATURE
  5. Implement changes.

  6. Check that your code changes pass black, pytest, flake8, and mypy. Note that black will auto-format all files in-place:

    $ docker-compose run --rm test
  7. Run the live gRPC service on localhost:50051 for any additional testing:

    $ docker-compose up merger-grpc searcher-grpc1 searcher-grpc2 searcher-grpc3
  8. Add documentation for new functionality and rebuild docs:

    $ docker-compose run --rm docs
  9. Remove containers after development:

    $ docker-compose down
  10. Commit your changes and push your branch to GitHub:

    $ git add .
    $ git commit -m "Your detailed description of your changes."
    $ git flow feature publish NAME_OF_FEATURE
  11. Submit a pull request through the GitHub website. The base should be needlehaystack/needlestack and develop.

4. Submit Pull Request

Follow these guidelines when submitting pull requests.

  1. Include tests for the new feature or covering the bug.

  2. Write documentation and docstrings for any new functionality.

  3. Check that the pull request is passing test

5. Deploying

A note for maintainers deploying to PyPi.

Minor & Minor Changes

  1. Create a release branch and publish it:

    $ git flow release start <version>
    $ git flow publish <version>
  2. Fix bugs, if any::

    $ git add . $ git commit -m “bug fix message”

  3. Start a release candidate and push to build:

    $ bumpversion [major|minor] --tag
    $ git push
    $ git push --tags
  4. If another release candidate is needed:

    $ bumpversion candidate --tag
    $ git push
    $ git push --tags
  5. When ready for PyPi bump the release, merge, and push:

    $ bumpversion release
    $ git push
    $ git flow release finish <version>
    $ git push
    $ git push --tags


  1. Start the hotfix:

    $ git flow hotfix start <version>
  2. Makes changes and bump the version:

    $ git add .
    $ git commit -m "hotfix message"
    $ bumpversion patch --no-commit
    $ bumpversion release --allow-dirty
  3. Finish the hotfix:

    $ git flow hotfix finish <version>
    $ git push
    $ git push --tags