Needlestack Documentation Status

Needlestack is a distributed vector search microservice.


  • gRPC server for kNN vector search

  • Shard vectors over multiple nodes

  • Replicate shard over multiple nodes

  • Retrieve vectors by ID


The current beta builds have limitations that make them difficult to use in production. These should be addressed in future builds.


  • Vectors must be manually sharded, indexed, and serialized to disk as protobufs

  • Only kNN library currently supported is Faiss


Get started with the examples in this repo!

Start Docker containers running Needlestack services. This runs the examples/ and examples/ in containers.

docker-compose up merger-grpc searcher-grpc1 searcher-grpc2 searcher-grpc3

Create local index data and send to the Needlestack services. This runs examples/ to create dummy data, then runs examples/ to send them to the Needlestack service.

docker-compose run --rm make-test-data

Access the gRPC endpoints at localhost:50051